If you are a parent, you may feel overly-cautious searching for San Gabriel speech therapy for your child.

It is true that children develop at different paces, but after a certain amount of time, your child’s speech problems need to be addressed. Here are a few warning signs if you are concerned about your child’s development.

Does My Kid Need Speech Therapy

Speech therapy is necessary if your child has experienced hearing loss or was diagnosed with a developmental disorder. If your child has trouble hearing, their ability to speak might also be impaired. Also, if your child’s pediatrician had diagnosed them with a developmental disorder, they might recommend speech therapy immediately.

Your Child Doesn’t Speak A Lot

While there is nothing wrong with a quiet child, if your child makes very little noise, or hasn’t said anything at all, then you should consider speech therapy. If your child is 3 years old or older, and you notice that their speech hasn’t developed, schedule an appointment with a speech therapist. The longer that speech problems go untreated the harder it is for your child to catch up with their peers.

San Gabriel speech therapy

Your Child Mispronounces Vowels

One way to tell if your child is having speech problems is how well they pronounce their vowels. It is normal for kids to struggle with certain sounds, but vowels are a different story. Listen closely to how your child pronounces words with a lot of vowels.

San Gabriel speech therapy

About SGV Speech Therapy Solutions

Does your child have any of the problems mentioned above? If so, be sure to contact us at SGV Speech Therapy solutions for effective San Gabriel speech therapy. With over twenty years of speech therapy experience, our therapists always take the best approach to help your child’s speech issues. For more updates about our company, be sure to follow our Facebook and Twitter pages.