Questions to Ask When Looking for a Speech Therapist?

When parents are searching for medical care for their children, they will most likely do research first. This involves asking other parents or professionals for recommendations, and/or get advice from several doctors before making a decision. It’s important for parents to research their options because speech disorders are all very different. Therefore it is critical to work with a speech therapist who has specialized training and experience. 

One of the most valuable traits parents seek when searching for a therapist is knowing their child enjoys going to speech therapy sessions. However, although it is important to establish a positive therapeutic relationship with your therapist, be careful not to pick a therapist based on personality alone. It’s important that you have a full idea of the therapist’s level of experience snd the approach they will take.

Before you decide on your speech therapist, we suggest asking these basic questions:

1.What will the role for me and my family during this treatment?

Many agree that parents need to be active participants in the speech therapists process. Healthy consistent communication with your child’s therapist can help your therapist, help your child. The therapist will provide substantial strategies parents can apply with their own child as well as provide help for other family members.

2.What is your philosophy on speech therapy and how will you choose a therapy approach for our child?

Speech therapy comes in many forms. Experienced therapists will develop individualized therapy based on the needs of each case rather than using one formula fits all solution. The goal behind the effective treatment is to provide reassurance to your child’s confidence to speak freely without any anxieties.

3.What can I expect fro therapy? 

It is okay for parents to have questions about therapy expectations. Beginning treatment, you should be given an understanding of how therapy achievements will be determined, what the specific goals will be, and how progress is measured. It’s not possible to determine how long a child will need therapy, but reasonable expectations for progress should be discussed.

About SGV Speech Therapy Solutions

Does your child have any of the problems mentioned above? If so, be sure to contact us at SGV Speech Therapy solutions for effective San Gabriel Therapy. With over twenty years of speech therapy experience, our therapists always take the best approach to help your child’s speech issues. or more updates about our company, be sure to follow our Facebook and Twitter pages.